as Project Manager I act like an

entrepreneur inside the establishment

build upon existing expertise

inside and outside the company

unleash the true potential of team members

to develop high-performance teams

tackle key issues at an early stage

even if it hurts

Benefits of Project Management

“Projects, projects everywhere …”

A project means breaking new ground: leaving routine, handling new tasks, facing new challenges, finding new approaches, taking new paths.

Routine is safe sailing, but now …

Is your team ready for the change, the effort that pays off in the future but requires discomfort now? “Well, things will somehow work out …”
You might have a vague idea of the conflicts that are bound to occur.

Changes entail risks

Quality, cost and schedule – which of your projects has ever run according to plan? That is typical when breaking new ground. Novelty is the elephant in your glassware shop – who is your keeper?

Changes give rise to opportunities

Exploring new horizons, motivating and inspiring employees.
Efficiency and effectiveness are hardly available off-the-peg.
Acting – not only reacting – and creating a winning team is the key to success.
There is potential to be unlocked by active management.

About me

Karl Ehmann

Senior Project Manager Level B (GPM)
Master of Economics


  • since 2014 self-employed Project Manager and consultant
  • until 2013 project manager at naip Deutschland GmbH Fürth
  • until 2012 project manager / CIO of tabacon Holding, tobacco retail, Nürnberg, Germany
  • until 2000 software development project retail, Sielaff Herrieden, Germany
  • until 1998 operations manager, Ehmann tobacco retail, Rothenburg o.d.T., Germany
  • until 1992 University of Heidelberg, Master of Economics
  • until 1991 database development as a freelancer at IBM Stuttgart, Germany
  • until 1986 University of Nürnberg, Bachelor of Business Administration
  • until 1982 general higher education entrance qualification, Rothenburg o.d.T., Germany,


Karl Ehmann

Bischof-Meiser-Straße 14
91522 Ansbach, Germany
Tel. +49 (0) 981-97758358
Mobil +49 (0) 176-39367115

E-Mail: k.ehmann(at)

How to find us